How Long Do German Shepherds Teeth?

How Long Do German Shepherds Teeth? It will take 6 to 8 months for your German Shepherd's complete 42 adult teeth to show.
How Long Do German Shepherds Teeth? It will take up to 8 months for your German Shepherd’s 42 adult teeth to emerge.

Do you know that almost all puppies were born without any teeth at all? Teething is a process that all puppies go through as they grow. This can be painful and uncomfortable for them and for owners alike. If you’re wondering how long do German Shepherds teeth, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will provide the answer.

How Long Do German Shepherds Teeth?

German Shepherd puppies are born without any teeth and will only start teething at 2 weeks old.

German Shepherds begin with a set of 28 tiny baby teeth, which is called the primary or deciduous teeth. The first set of 28 teeth will start to show at 1 month old and will last up to 8 weeks.

The German Shepherd will continue teething until the full set of 42 teeth is achieved at 8 months old.

How Do I Know When My German Shepherd Is Teething?

If your German Shepherd is teething, here are some signs that you should look for:

Blood stains on the toys

Now that your German Shepherd is teething, you might notice a little blood on his toys or bedding. This is completely normal. The only thing to worry about is if the blood is bright red and seems to be coming from the back of the German Shepherd’s mouth. If you notice this, it’s time to take your dog to the vet.

Frequent Chewing

German Shepherds chew more when teething
German Shepherd puppy tends to chew more frequently during the teething process

When your German Shepherd starts teething, it can be a nightmare. You’ll see them chewing everything in sight and you’ll be tempted to give them some of your favorite chew toys to help with the pain.

However, these chew toys could be choking hazards. Instead, try giving your German Shepherd a piece of raw meat or other food that they can chew on and that won’t choke them. This will also help with their digestion.


Every dog owner knows that their dog is going through teething when there’s a lot of drooling. This is primarily because of the pain caused by the teeth emerging out from the gums. The drool is also a way for your dog to cleanse his gums and teeth, as well as get rid of any bad bacteria. When your dog starts to drool more than usual, it’s time to start thinking about what you can do to help your pup. A good solution is to rub some coconut oil on the gums and teeth, which can help with pain relief.

Change in Behavior

When your German Shepherd is teething, they may become cranky and irritable. This is because their teeth are starting to come in and they are feeling the pain.

It’s a natural thing for German Shepherds to want to chew on things, so when they’re teething, they’ll be extra destructive.

Make sure to keep your German Shepherd’s food and water bowls away from their chewing areas. You can also try giving them a Kong toy or other chew toy that will keep them busy.

Inflamed gums

When your German Shepherd is teething, he may develop inflamed gums. German Shepherds will go through periods of gnawing and chewing on anything they can get their teeth on to relieve the pressure that their teeth are putting on their gums.


Teething can be a real pain for your little one and some puppies experience fever when teething. It is important to keep your little one hydrated and on the lookout for signs of fever.

How Can I Help My Teething German Shepherd?

The teething process can be difficult for your German Shepherd puppy, but there are some things you can do to make it easier such as:

Give ice cubes

If you have a German Shepherd that is teething, you can use ice cubes to help soothe the pain in their gums and relieve some of the drooling.

Ice cubes can also help your German Shepherd to sleep better. The cold temperature will help to soothe the swelling in your German Shepherd’s gums.

Chew toys

You know your German Shepherd is teething when they start chewing on anything and everything. Chew toys are not only a great way to distract your pup, but they also help relieve some of the pain.

It’s necessary to know that some German Shepherd may be allergic to certain materials and these chew toys can cause irritation in some dogs. When looking for chew toys, make sure you find one that is made of natural materials like rubber, wood, or fabric.

Keep important things out of reach

We know that it can be frustrating when your German Shepherd is teething and won’t stop chewing on your things. It’s hard to keep your mind at ease when you are constantly having to move things out of your dog’s reach.

If you have a teething German Shepherd, you should consider getting a crate with a door or a baby gate to put in front of the things they can’t get to. You can also put a stuffed animal or something else that your German Shepherd likes in their crate so that they will be less likely to chew on something else.

What To Put On Puppies Gums When Teething?

Chewing on a chew toy is a natural way to relieve stress and anxiety during the teething process
There are many chew toys that can help ease the pain and provide your German Shepherd with something to focus on

If your dog is experiencing pain when teething, you might want to consider giving him some home remedies. These are our recommendations:

  1. Frozen fruits and vegetables. You can freeze any fruit or vegetable like strawberries, banana, apple slices, and carrots, but it is best to freeze them in small chunks so that your German Shepherd can have a variety of textures to chew on. You can also freeze fruits and vegetables together which will help prevent your dog from eating too many pieces at once.
  2. Teething gel. You can give your German Shepherd puppy some teething gel by putting it in their food or water bowl or rubbing it on their gums. These gels usually have analgesic and antibacterial properties to help relieve the discomfort of your little one.
  3. Aloe Vera Ice Cubes. If your dog is teething, you may want to try giving him Aloe Vera Ice Cubes. These ice cubes are made with Aloe Vera gel and are a great way to soothe sore gums and relieve inflammation. You can make these ice cubes by freezing a teaspoon of aloe vera gel in a cup. Once the gel is frozen, place it in the freezer for about two hours. Once it is frozen, you can use a spoon to scoop out ice cubes. Place the ice cubes in a bowl and let your dog chew on them for relief.
  4. Chamomile Tea. Chamomile tea is a great way to soothe a teething pup. Chamomile is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to help calm the nerves and relieve stress. It greatly helps your teething German Shepherd sleep and also relieves the agitation and stress caused by the teething process.

When your German Shepherd is teething, he might have a hard time eating and drinking. He might also be experiencing pain and discomfort, which can make him feel very uncomfortable. It’s important to give your German Shepherd lots of love and attention during this difficult time.

We hope that this article was able to answer the question of “how long do German Shepherds teeth?” and that you found the blog post to be interesting and helpful. By knowing the tips we mentioned above, you will definitely be able to recognize the signs that your dog is teething and will know what to do to help them cope during this time.

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